nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,


Whoever you are, there are ways you can get involved and support Uncle Jim Everett to assert Law in Country here in Lutruwita.

This is not just an Aboriginal issue,” as Uncle reminds us, “this is everybody’s issue. We’ve got to protect these forests, we’re going to protect our waters and our seas”.

We need people to be on the front line. We need people to be in direct action. We need people taking indirect action. We ask that you join us, do what is within your capabilities, practice self-care and most importantly always look out for one another.

Show up today for 2:15pm press conference, parliament lawns (Nipaluna)

Protector of Country Ruth Langford was arrested today when she, along with Carleeta Thomas and Cody Gangell and forest defenders, staged a protest in a logging coupe in the Eastern Tiers.

This cultural landscape is an extremely important, and vulnerable, water catchment area where critically endangered birds are nesting.

See Ruth Langford’s statement on the homepage, our media release and follow our socials as today’s events unfold.

Take to the streets on Invasion Day

Street marches and rallies will be held around the continent ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 so find the one nearest to you. Uncle Jim will be speaking in Limilinaturi/Devonport.

Honour and celebrate Protectors of Country, 6-25 January

On 26 January, mob across this continent will mourn a day that signifies the start of an ongoing and brutal invasion of our nations. While that day is full of sorrow and reflection, we will also be honouring Country and our rights as law keepers of Country.

For these 20 days, join us to actively honour and celebrate our cultural obligations to protect and heal Country and to share knowledge and spirit for our future generations. See our homepage for fresh daily content and resources.

So what’s happening on your Country? Let’s tell each other our success stories to encourage and inspire mob here in Lutruwita, across the continent and around the world.

Friends, allies, supporters and co-conspirators, engage with each day’s online content (6-25 Jan), learn about and amplify Blak voices on your social media platforms and have conversations with family, friends and colleagues.

Look out for daily updates here on our website and on Instagram and Facebook.

Tag us and use hashtags #tellthetruth #protectorsofcountry

Show up for Uncle Jim’s court date

Meet outside Hobart Magistrates Court at 9:30 on the morning of Uncle Jim’s next court date of Tuesday 28 January 2025. He will hold a press conference to assert that the colonial government needs to TELL THE TRUTH.

Uncle Jim Everett has called on the minister, the prosecutor and the police commissioner to adhere to Palawa Law in Country and advised they should not be wasting taxpayers money trying him.

Write to the minister, the prosecutor and the police commissioner. Tell them that clear felling of native forest of Lutruwita will cause drought and risk catastrophic fires. Tell them not to waste public money of this trial.

Register for training and events

  • Register here for a half-day Introduction to NVDA (non-violent direct action) training session in Nipaluna/Hobart, run by Bob Brown Foundation, for all you need to know to join us for frontline actions.

  • Register here to attend a Citizen Science, Surveys and Palawa-led knowledge-sharing event this summer also organised through Bob Brown Foundation.

Contact your MP

Lobby your representatives to pressure for the removal of the exclusion of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act within the Regional Forest Agreement and get them out of mature native forests.

Email and phone your state and federal MPs to explain your position. If you’re not sure of your electorate, you can find that information here.

Engage with our socials

To keep up with events, actions and news and to spread the message, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Like, comment, save and share our posts and join the conversation.

Use hashtags #StandWithUncJim #TellTheTruth

Sign up to our mailing list

Add your name and email address to the Stand With Uncle Jim form in the footer below.

photo Jillian Mundy; video Bob Brown Foundation

Allies to the Palawa community holding signs saying The Colony Will Fall and We Stand With Uncle Jim at parliament lawns Nipaluna/Hobart | Tell the Truth | Stand with Uncle Jim

“It’s time for us all to stand up. Stop native forest logging.”

Having support from Bob Brown Foundation and its hard working staff and supporters brought me to join with the Tasmanian Wilderness Society (TWS) and Grass Roots Action Network Tasmania (GRANT). This has strengthened our stand to defend environments, and increased our political resolve to end native forest logging as a priority.
— Uncle Jim Everett